Instruction for Authors


  • Manuscripts should be written in English and Turkish.
  • Oxford English Dictionary (” should be taken as the reference in the spelling of words for the studies written in English and   “Turkish Language Society" dictionary (”  the reference in the spelling of words for the studies written in Turkish. Publication priority will be given to studies written in English.
  • English abstracts should consist of aim,  method, results and conclusion sections.
  • 3-5 keywords should be given in Turkish and English. Turkish keywords must be in accordance with Turkish Science Terms found at Keywords in English must comply with the Index Medicus: Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) standards.
  • Symbols of the units in the text should be given according to the International System of Units (SI).
  •  Where signs such as (), "" and / are used, a space must not be typed before or after the sentence/word.
  • Itemized numbers or letters must not be used within the main text.
  • Italics must be used to report statistical analyses values (e.g. variance analysis (F, t, z), correlation (R, r)).
  • Only generic names of drugs must be used. 
  • Abbreviations must not be used in the title and abstract. Few abbreviations must be used and abbreviations must be indicated where the word or phrase are first used.
  • References must not be used in the abstract.
  • Table headings must be placed above the table and the first letter of the words must be uppercase (e.g. Table 1: Characteristics of Individuals with Diabetes).
  • The figure/graphic headings must be placed below the figure/graphics, italicized and only the first letter of the first word must be uppercase (e.g. Figure 1: Miller's mastery pyramid for clinical evaluation).
  • All articles should be prepared as specified in the article types section and should not exceed the word limit shown in the table below.
  • This limitation does not include abstract, references, tables, figures, graphics and acknowledgment sections.
Article Type Word limit 
Research Article 5000
Review article 5000
Editorial letter 500
Case Study 3000



The articles must be prepared according to the APA style. ( 

The articles that submitted in the journal should be written in Microsoft Word program in A4 paper size, Times New Roman font, 12-point, double-spaced. There should be a 2.5 cm space on the edges of the page and the page numbers should be placed on the bottom right corner of the page.  Paragraph indentation should not be used in the text.

Research and review articles should not exceed 5000 words, letters to the editor 500 words. 

Articles to be sent to the TJDN should contain the following sections in the following order:

  • Cover (title)page 
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction 
  • Method*
  • Results*
  • Discussion*
  • Conclusion, and Suggestions
  • Ethics Committee Approval
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Funding
  • Author contributions
  • Acknowledgement**
  • References

* It is given according to the type of article.

** This section should be used when necessary.

In the manuscript submission, the Contributor Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier-ORCID ID field is required for authors of manuscript.



- The article title must be given in both Turkish and English, and running titles (the first letters of words should be large, the running titles should not exceed 6 words.)

-Author (s) Information: Names, surnames, titles, institutions (names and addresses), and ORCID ID of all authors.   

- Corresponding author and contac information (address, telephone and e-mail)  should be indicated.

- Conflict of interest,

- If the submitted article was previously presented at any congress or symposium, funded by any institution, or produced from a thesis study, this should be indicated under author information.


Original prospective or retrospective studies of basic or clinical investigations in areas relevant to medicine. A research article must consist of Abstract, Introduction, Aims, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.

Abstract:  Abstract (average 200-250 words, Turkish and English) This section should consist of aim,  method, results and conclusion sections. 


1. 3-5 keywords should be given in Turkish and English.

2. The words should be separated by semicolon (;), from each other.

3. English keywords should be appropriate to “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)” (

4. Turkish keywords should be appropriate to “TR Index Keywords List” and “Turkish Science Terminology” (

Introduction: In this section, the aim and the scientific ideas on which the article is based must be clearly stated, the problem must be explained according to relevant works published, and information about the problem being raised must be clear.

Aim: The aim(s) and, according to the manuscript type, the hypothesis or research question(s) must be included.

Methods: The type of research, location, sample, data collection, preliminary application (if any), how and when the research was conducted, ethical direction and data collection, data evaluation, and research limitations must be included.

Results: Results must be presented in a systematic way which responds to the research question(s).

Discussion: Discussion must be presented in a systematic way which responds to the research question(s). (In qualitative studies, the Results and Discussion sections can be written together).

Conclusion: This section emphasizes the importance of the subject. The results of the research must be given together with the contributions to nursing practices.


In these articles, discussions, and opinions of the author (s) about current issues, and those in need of further explanation are presented in the light of the national, and international literature. It is prepared directly or by invited authors. The review article must consist of an introduction, subheadings, and results sections determined by the author(s).  

-The introduction and subheadings outside the results section must be generated by the author(s).

-Abstract (Turkish, and English;  Turkish abstract should contain at least 200, and at most 250 words, and English abstract should be the exact translation of its version. Abstract should not be divided into sections, and at the end of the abstract at least 3, and at most 5 keywords should be written)

-The introduction must clearly state the aims and the scientific ideas on which the article is based and include the writer’s opinions on  what has been done and what can be done in the field in the World and in Turkey about the issue.  

Systematic review is a kind of secondary research study that provides the best evidence for related disciplines and especially the field of application, as in the meta-analysis approach. In order for a review article to be defined systematically, the processes to be compiled must be determined, selected, and the synthesis of the study data must be followed. Systematic reviews that will be sent to TJDN should be prepared with the titles similar to research articles and uploaded to the system.


The case report should be handled in such a way as to report specific cases / cases on issues covered by the journal.

-The manuscripts should not exceed 3000 words including Abstract (without the titles mentioned in the research article, least 200, and at most 250 words,) and Keywords (Turkish and English, at least 3, and at most 5 keywords), Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion and Conclusion, References.

- In the introduction part, the place and importance of the subject in health and nursing applications should be mentioned. Here, all the necessary details of the case should be handled in a way that reveals the problem and enables the reader to think and the ethical aspect of the case presentation should be explained.

-Tables and explanatory information about the case can be included.

-In the discussion section, the answers to the questions given in the case should be sought, and in the conclusion and suggestions section, inferences about the case should be made that would contribute to the application.

-All necessary details of the case must be given in a way that reveals at least 3-4 problems which encourages the reader to think, and any ethical aspects of the case must be fully explained. In the

-They should include an adequate number of photos and figures.


Evaluation of the original research article is done by the specialists of the field (except the authors of the research article) and it is published at the end of the related article.


It is sent in response to articles published in the journal within the last year. It includes the different opinions, experiences and questions of the readers about the article. It should not exceed 500 words, 5 references and 2 author names.


Contribution of author/authors to the article should be stated in "COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AND AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION FORM".  When filling in the section below, the relevant number(s) should be written in the "Type of Contribution" section. COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AND AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION FORM 

  1. Idea / Concept, 2. Design, 3. Data Collection and/or Processing, 4. Analysis and/or Interpretation, 5. Literature Review, 6. Writing the Article, 7. Critical Review


At the end of the article, it should be included before the references. In this section, expressions of thanks are given to those who contributed to the study for reasons such as personal, technical and material assistance. 


It is recommended to use the appropriate program in using and showing the references in the article.

References cited within the text

In-text citations are citations within the main body of the text and refer to a direct quote or paraphrase. They correspond to a reference in the main reference list. These citations include the surname of the author and date of publication only. Using an example author Nermin Olgun, this takes the form:

Olgun (2017) states… Or …(Olgun, 2017).

The structure of this changes depending on whether a direct quote or parenthetical used:

  • Direct Quote: The citation must follow the quote directly and contain a page number after the date, for example (Mitchell, 2017, p.104). This rule holds for all of the variations listed.

  • Parenthetical: The page number is not needed.

One Authors:

Mitchell (1982)

(Mitchell, 1982)

Two Authors:

The surname of both authors is stated with either ‘and’ or an ampersand between. For example:

Mitchell and Smith (2017) state… Or …(Mitchell & Smith, 2017).

Three, Four or Five Authors:

For the first cite, all names should be listed:

Mitchell, Smith, and Thomson (2017) state… Or …(Mitchell, Smith, & Thomson, 2017).

Further cites can be shorted to the first author’s name followed by et al:

Mitchell et al (2017) state… Or …(Mitchell et al, 2017).

Six or More Authors:

Only the first author’s surname should be stated followed by et al, see the above example.

No Authors:

If the author is unknown, the first few words of the reference should be used. This is usually the title of the source.

If this is the title of a book, periodical, brochure or report, is should be italicised. For example:

(A guide to citation, 2017).

If this is the title of an article, chapter or web page, it should be in quotation marks. For example:

(“APA Citation”, 2017).

Citing Authors With Multiple Works From One Year:

Works should be cited with a, b, c etc following the date. These letters are assigned within the reference list, which is sorted alphabetically by the surname of the first author. For example:

(Mitchell, 2017a) Or (Mitchell, 2017b).

Citing Multiple Works in One Parentheses:

If these works are by the same author, the surname is stated once followed by the dates in order chronologically. For instance:

Mitchell (2007, 2013, 2017) Or (Mitchell, 2007, 2013, 2017)

If these works are by multiple authors then the references are ordered alphabetically by the first author separated by a semicolon as follows:

(Mitchell  & Smith 2017; Thomson, Coyne, & Davis, 2015).

Citing a Group or Organisation:

For the first cite, the full name of the group must be used. Subsequently this can be shortened. For example:

First cite: (International Citation Association, 2015)

Further Cites: (Citation Association, 2015)

Citing a Secondary Source:

In this situation the original author and date should be stated first followed by ‘as cited in’ followed by the author and date of the secondary source. For example:

Lorde (1980) as cited in Mitchell (2017) Or (Lorde, 1980, as cited in Mitchell, 2017)

References cites in the Rerefence Section

In the references section, the listing of the references should be made alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.

How to Cite a Journal Article in Print or Online in APA Format
  • Articles differ from book citations in that the publisher and publisher location are not included. For journal articles, these are replaced with the journal title, volume number, issue number and page number. The basic structure is:

Author surname, initial(s). (Year). Article title. Journal Title. Volume Number (issue or part number, optional), page numbers. DOI or Retrieved from URL

Journal Article Examples:

Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95

Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95. Retrieved from

How to Cite a Book (Title, not chapter) in APA Format

Book referencing is the most basic style; the basic format of a book reference is as follows:

Author surname, Initial(s).(Year). Title (ed.). Publisher location:Publisher

Book referencing examples:

Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. London, England: My Publisher

Jones, A.F & Wang, L. (2011). Spectacular creatures: The Amazon rainforest (2nd ed.). San Jose, Costa Rica: My Publisher

How to Cite an Edited Book in APA Format

This reference format is very similar to the book format apart from one extra inclusion: (Ed(s)). The basic format is as follows:

Author surname, Initial(s). (Ed(s)).(Year). Title (ed.). Publisher location:Publisher

Edited book example:

Williams, S.T. (Ed.). (2015). Referencing: A guide to citation rules (3rd ed.). New York, NY: My Publisher

How to Cite a Chapter in an Edited Book in APA Format

Edited books are collations of chapters written by different authors. To reference a single chapter, a different format is needed. The basic structure is as follows:

Last name of the chapter author, Initial(s). Year). Chapter title. In editor initial(s), Surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp. chapter page range). Location: Publisher

Edited book chapter example:

In the following example, B.N. Troy is the author of the chapter and S.T. Williams is the editor.

Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd ed., pp. 50-95). New York, NY: Publishers.

How to Cite an E-Book in APA Format

An E-Book reference is the same as a book reference expect the publisher is swapped for a URL. The basic structure is as follows:

Author surname, initial(s) (Ed(s).*). (Year). Title (ed.*). Retrieved from URL


E-Book example:

Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. Retrieved from

How to Cite an E-Book Chapter in APA Format

This follows the same structure as an edited book chapter reference except the publisher is exchanged for a URL. The structure is as follows:

Last name of the chapter author, initial(s). (Year). Chapter title. In editor initial(s), surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp.chapter page range). Retrieved from URL

E-Book chapter example:

Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd ed., pp. 50-95). Retrieved from

How to Cite a Website in APA Format

When citing a website, the basic structure is as follows:

Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. Retrieved from URL

Website example:

Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to reference. Retrieved from 

Format for the Thesis;

Author's surname and initials. (Year). Thesis name [thesis type]. City: University or Institution name. City.


Kır Biçer E. (2011). Evaluation of foot care and self-efficacy in patients with diabetes.  [PhD dissertation].  Istanbul University. Istanbul. 

Format for Conference / Congress / Symposium Declaration;


Olgun, N., Koçak Kaymaz, D. (Ağustos 2006) To be acquired of foot caring skill to the type 2 diabetic patients. FEND 11th Annual Conference, Kopenhag.

Format for the Conference / Congress / Symposium Declaration published in a book;


Çelik S, Biçer E. Diabetic foot care. In: Olgun N (editör), Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Diabetes Nursing; 2003 Nov 12-15; New York, USA; 2003. p. 236-7.


Reference List Example

Alred, G. J., Brusaw, C. T., & Oliu, W. E. (2009). The business writer’s handbook. New York, NY: St Martin's Press.

Barnard, R., de Luca, R., & Li, J. (2015). First-year undergraduate students’ perceptions of lecturer and peer feedback: A New Zealand action research project. Studies In Higher Education40(5), 933–944.

Best, A. (2004). International history of the twentieth century. Retrieved from

Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97-106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.

Kasabov, N., Scott, N. M., Tu, E., Marks, S., Sengupta, N., Capecci, E., . . . Yang, J. (2016). Evolving spatio-temporal data machines based on the NeuCube neuromorphic framework: Design methodology and selected applications. Neural Networks, 78, 1-14. 

Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An observational study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research17(10), 1442-1452.  

Rush, E., McLennan, S., Obolonkin, V., Cooper, R., & Hamlin, M. (2015a). Beyond the randomised controlled trial and BMI--evaluation of effectiveness of through-school nutrition and physical activity programmes. Public Health Nutrition18(9), 1578–1581.

Rush, E. C., Obolonkin, V., Battin, M., Wouldes, T., & Rowan, J. (2015b). Body composition in offspring of New Zealand women: Ethnic and gender differences at age 1–3 years in 2005–2009. Annals Of Human Biology42(5), 492–497.



Figures, tables and graphics should be given after the references section.

Pictures/photographs must be in color, clear and with appropriate contrast to separate details. Figures, pictures/photographs must be added to the system as separate  .tif, .png, .jpg or .gif files (approximately 500x400 pixels, 8 cm in width and scanned at 300 resolution).

The table headings should be written on the table, and the figure/graph headings should be written under the figure/graph (Table 1. and Figure 1.), with all words except the first letter being lower case.

All abbreviations used, must be listed in explanation which will be placed at the bottom of each figure, picture, table and graphic.

Checklist For Authors

Before submitting your article to the Turkish Journal of Diabetes Nursing, please make sure that it is missing by comparing the items in this section.

  • Cover (Title) and author information page
  • Ethics Committee Approval
  • Copyright Transfer and Author Contributions Form 
  • Manuscript (Turkish and English title of the article, abstract in Turkish and English, main text, references, tables and figures / graphics)


Authors should mark the changes they made on the main text while submitting the revision files of their articles. Changed articles should be sent to the journal within one month following the decision letter. The revision option of the edits that are not sent within the specified period may be canceled. If the author (s) need additional time for revision, they must submit their extension request to the journal before the end of the one month period.

The articles accepted for publication as a result of the evaluations are checked for plagiarism, grammar, punctuation and format. The layout and typesetting of accepted articles are made, ready-to-print PDF files are sent to the responsible authors and the publication approvals are requested to be sent to the journal. Finally, the DOI number is given and it goes to the publishing stage.